BoS meeting in the Department of Mechanical Engineering 

The Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sahyadri College of Engineering and Management conducted "Board of Studies" meeting on 11th Dec 2021, 2:30 PM to 5:30 PM at Board Room.

The agenda of the meeting involved Introduction of the BoS Members, Comparison of the VTU Scheme and the Proposed Scheme, Comparison of the VTU Curriculum and the Proposed Curriculum, Justifications for the changes made in the Syllabus, Evaluation Methods/Rubrics, Model Question Papers.

Dr. Rathishchandra R Gatti, HOD- Department of Mechanical Engineering presented Item – wise statistics to the committee members through a presentation as per the agenda and requested the members for their valuable suggestions. Dr. Harsha Kumar presented the Elements of Mechanical Engineering syllabi and Mr. Lawrence Joseph Fernandes presented the Engineering Visualization syllabi to the committee members through a presentation (blended mode).

The chairperson also welcomed the following members University Nominee: Prof.  N Yagnesh Sharma; Academic Expert: Dr. H. K. Govindaraju, Dr. Srinath M S, Dr. Ravichandra K.R; Industry Experts: Mr. Sudhir Sanna, Mr.Sumanth Rao G S; Alumni Representatives: Mr. Bhavik Das; Special Invitee: Mr. Sundaram Sunder; Faculty Representatives: Mr. Lawrence J Fernandes, Dr. Harsha Kumar; to the meeting. 
