Programme Assessment Committee (PAC) Meeting

The Programme Assessment Committee (PAC) Meeting of the Dept. Mechanical Engineering was conducted on 21st January 2022. 
Dr. Rathishchandra Gatti, Head, presented the observations given by the NBA Expert Committee and briefed the committee on action plans that would be implemented. He also stated the accomplishments of AY 2020-21 highlighting student performance through result analysis, MOOC courses, placements, entrepreneurial activities, faculty performance through research and publications. The activities that were planned for the AY 2021-22 were also discussed. Dr. Nalini Rebello, Dean (Academics) gave valuable suggestions related to effective implementation of Teaching Learning Process. Dr Anush Bekal, Head, ECE Dept. gave insights on effective attainment analysis and motivated the department to organize more activities like webinars. The faculty members of Dept. of Mechanical Engineering were also present and gave their inputs to enhance the overall OBE implementation in the department.
